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三月 7, 2025 星期五 微雨 13° 92% 寒冷天氣警告

徐家健:英減物業印花稅 鼓勵買樓自住

2022-10-10    明報
【明報專訊】研究發現,加拿大多倫多引入1.3%的住宅物業交易稅,租與售的比例上升23%,樓價與租金的比例下跌4%。另外,住宅買賣成交當中,自住的成交下跌10%,收租的交易上升9%。換句話說,物業交易稅懲罰居者有其居,變相鼓勵租住市場。 英國最近宣布減住宅物業印花稅:一般印花稅門檻由12.5萬鎊調升至25萬鎊,而首置印花稅門檻更由30萬鎊提升至42.5萬鎊。住宅物業印花稅是一種交易稅,一種懲罰住宅物業交易的稅收。於是,減住宅物業印花稅,會有鼓勵買樓自住的市場效果。 經濟邏輯如下,不管自住或是收租,買樓時均需要繳交相同的交易稅,分別是之後轉多少次租客都是免稅的,但每轉一次業主便要多繳一次交易稅了。 一篇文名為「To Own or to Rent? The Effects of Transaction Taxes on Housing Markets」的學術文章,分析了多倫多2006至2018年的樓市。2008年多倫多引入1.3%的住宅物業交易稅(Land Transfer Tax, LTT)後,結果發現: The LTT causes the ratio of the number of leases to sales to rise by 23% and the ratio of prices to rents to decline by 4%, suggesting that renting becomes more attractive relative to owning [...] among the sales made in the ownership market, the same LTT causes a 10% fall in purchases made by owner-occupiers, but a 9% rise in purchases made by buy-to-rent investors [...] within the ownership market, the LTT reduces homeowners' moving hazard rate by 13% and increases sellers' time-on-the-market by 17%. Based on the pre-policy sample mean, this implies that an average owner-occupier stays in the property for 14 months longer; and when a property is listed, it takes 5 days longer to sell. 住宅物業交易稅增加了租樓的需求,買樓自住的人卻亦因此盡量避免賣樓搬遷,而樓盤放售的時間亦因加稅而變得更長。 相反,現在英國減住宅物業印花稅,將會刺激更多本地人和新移民買樓自住。 美國克林信大學經濟系副教授 (本網發表的文章若提出批評,旨在指出相關制度、政策或措施存在錯誤或缺點,目的是促使矯正或消除這些錯誤或缺點,循合法途徑予以改善,絕無意圖煽動他人對政府或其他社群產生憎恨、不滿或敵意。) [徐家健 象牙塔看財技]